Thursday, July 29, 2021

A follow up to my last article....Covid 19 and the unvaccinated.

Just a brief follow-up on my last article about Covid-19, the data that supports vaccination, and the concerns about the delta variant that research shows is more contagious and causes more severe illness. 

Removing myself from interacting with residents on the various FB pages has in many respects been liberating, but it is also a source of incredible frustration.   Though the number of negative comments between residents has reduced from posts I created, there are times that I find it challenging to allow misinformation to go unrefuted or provide context to decisions made by the municipal government. But we all have our challenges in life!  I remind everyone if they have a question or a concern, please feel free to email me at, and I will do my best to provide a timely response.

My recent article has prompted some on FB to question where I get my information.  As I stated, our Health Officer keeps me informed of current trends in Covid-19 cases.  I also receive daily Covid-19 Situation Reports from the NJ Office of Emergency Management.  But to educate myself on these issues, I have found the Mayo Clinic website to be a great resource.  Its non-profit status (and non-government affiliation) and worldwide reputation as a leading institute for medical treatment and research, to me, make it a trusted source.  (I know full well this will now prompt some to attack the Mayo Clinic….)

For information on the case to vaccinate:

For information on the delta variant…..which is more contagious and causes more severe illness:

Everyone who is frustrated by the changing guidance from public officials over these past 18 months (whether from the CDC, the Governor, or the President) should take a step back and remember that Covid-19 presented as a completely new, more lethal virus than the world had experienced in more than 100 years.  Little was known about it, but as the medical researchers and providers did their outstanding work to gain the knowledge needed to fight its spread and treat the infected, their guidance changed as their understanding of the virus increased over time.  This should not be a source of frustration, and changing guidance should be expected as we continue with this fight. 

As for the change in policy for visitors and employees in our municipal building, things are fluid in a world health pandemic, and the data tells us that we are regressing in our fight against the virus.  Not changing or adapting to the data would be a dereliction of duty to the community and our employees.

EVERYONE (visitor and employee) will be required to wear a mask in the common areas of the building.  This should not be viewed as punishment to anyone.  It is a decision made for the health and safety of all who come into our municipal buildings.  As employees and visitors do their business, they will be socially distanced and separated by plexiglass at the counters --- and both visitor and employee will be masked.  If anyone prefers to continue to conduct their business outside at the North Entrance as we have done successfully and effectively for months, they will be accommodated.  

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