Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Wearing a Raiders face mask is just cool!

Hey Everyone! Pardon me while I do some journaling... 

So....if it isn't clear to you all now, it will never be. The world health pandemic known as Covid-19 or the Coronavirus is real. It is in our community, county, state, and country. Through yesterday, our Health Officer (Carol Chamberlain) reports that our community has had 442 cases with 73 deaths from the virus.

First, before you write a comment that most deaths are old people or people in assisted living facilities....please know I reject that completely and emphatically! I reject marginalizing or diminishing the loss of any of life because you think they are already old and have no value.  Of course, all lives should be valued and their deaths grieved.  And, months into this virus, it is clear from the data that it is taking its toll on people of all ages.  If you think you are so young that if you get the virus, you will be fine....that's a dangerous game of chance to play. 

Second, before you write a comment that wearing masks doesn't help or it violates some civil right you think you have.....please know I reject that as completely and emphatically as I reject the first comment. For some bizarre reason this public health crisis has become political in our country...and we are paying dearly for it. The U.S. compared to almost the entire world is failing miserably because so many citizens reject science and are comfortable risking the health and safety of our fellow residents, friends and family thinking they are making some "statement" of protest.  

Wearing a mask is critical to slowing the spread of the virus. This simple statement is supported by every credible, non-political, health professional with knowledge and experience on the matters of contagious diseases. Wearing a mask protects you and others. It is not 100% protection, but it does reduce the risk. It is not a civil rights issue, it is a civil responsibility issue. You should feel a sense of responsibility to protect yourself and others from spreading the virus...and it also respects the efforts of our healthcare workers and first responders by doing our part to give them the ability to handle the care of the many sick people they are responsible for.

Wearing a mask should be a symbol that you care about yourself and others. Unfortunately, this virus will be around for some time. We do not get to say we have had enough. We will have had enough when we develop a vaccine. Until then, we hunker down, understand our responsibilities, fight for as long as it takes, stop feeling sorry for ourselves because it is hard, remember the challenges and sacrifices prior generations have gone through and have made, and know we have the same strength and resilience as they had. And, most importantly, know that we will eliminate this virus from our lives at some point.

We are doing really well right now in NJ, but let’s not get complacent. Let’s continue to respect the virus and know we have to be smart in our actions. Wear a mask when you are out in public when you know you cannot control whether you come in close contact with others. May I suggest a Raiders mask?!!!!!

PS. Our municipal buildings remain closed to the public, but our municipal operations continue to run at full strength. Thank you to all that have been patient and understanding when coming to the municipal building to do business with one of our departments. Our box at the North Entrance remains active and effective, and our staff (wearing a mask) meet outdoors if the need for interaction arises. Where there is a will, there is a way during these trying times.  I am in no rush to re-open the buildings.  Restricting the buildings to municipal employees only protects our employees and the public, and has no negative impact on our ability to deliver the services expected by our residents, businesses and visitors.
PSS. We have re-opened the playground equipment at our local parks and posted signs regarding the risk of using it. The equipment will be cleaned weekly. Parents, please make good decisions for your children regarding the use of the equipment. Keeping a safe distance from others, and making sure your children know to keep their hands from their face while playing. And bring sanitizer to wash their hands before and after playing. We would provide the dispensers, but as a matter of routine, they are stolen immediately after being replaced.

We got this people! 👊👊✌️


Helen Bonfanti said...

I have been a resident of Lawrence Township for over 50 years and I want to thank you for the excellent job you are doing. It is wonderful to be kept aware of what is happening, especially in this difficult time. I feel that you are helping to keep us safe.

Emily Wonder said...
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