Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Times are tough...but love finds a way!

Hey Everyone! I just wanted to let you all know of a happy moment that occurred yesterday at the Peace Garden located near the North Entrance of our Municipal Building. Two people were married by our Municipal Court Judge Lew Korngut, J.M.C. It was a cool moment in a very weird time we are all experiencing right now.

I am told that the original plan was to have the couple and the two witnesses have the marriage ceremony in the Court Room (which is how most ceremonies are conducted by our Judge).  And when they exited the building, they would be greeted by family and friends honking horns from their cars in the parking lot.  But yesterday, an audible was called, and the 5 minute ceremony was conducted at the Peace Garden with the couples' family and friends (wearing masks and keeping a safe distance from each other...for those inquiring minds that want to know) watched from the parking lot and cheered for them when it was over. 

I took this as a sign that "where there is a will, there is a way" and that we all press on through challenging times. I want to wish the couple congratulations and much joy and happiness together.
I share this story, somewhat reluctantly, because at least one concerned person felt that it was an inappropriate gathering and reported it to a news outlet.

The facts are important, and I wanted to express them to you.  The way it was done...the respect for the pandemic that was shown by those standing in the public parking lot (wearing masks and the distance kept) ...and for the private reasons this wedding was held. I respectfully disagree, and I am happy that it was able to take place...quickly and safely. Thank you Judge Korngut for keeping a cool head and working with the couple to keep their day special.  👊👊✌️
Be safe and well everyone! God bless!

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