Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Masks are a drag.....but the virus is much worse!

Greetings, People of Lawrence!

Ok, moving right along....

As all of you may know, the municipal building is open to the public to conduct business with our various departments. Since the Pandemic still exists, we require that all persons wear masks while in the common areas of the building.  We are doing this because (1) people are still getting the virus, (2) people are still being hospitalized (and some are dying), (3) people are still unvaccinated, and (4) people who are vaccinated are still susceptible to getting the virus and passing it on to others.  We are 22 months into this Pandemic, and we should all be well informed of the standard safeguards being implemented to protect the health and safety of OTHERS.

From time to time, our attendee at the reception desk is met with displeased visitors who do not wish to wear a mask. Not wanting to wear a mask is ok. We have a locked box outside the North Entrance (with an envelope and pen station) where one can deposit their tax payments or other forms to whatever department they are conducting business with so they don't have to enter the building and wear a mask.   If a visitor needs to discuss and issue with a staff member, that discussion can be by phone, or the staff member will meet the visitor outside the North Entrance to have the conversation (at a safe distance). Easy peasy….we can accommodate you if you do not want to wear a mask. 

Yesterday, our attendee at the reception desk was rebuked by a visitor who refused to wear a mask and proceeded into the building, failing to stop as requested.  He continued to his destination in the building because "he was a taxpayer" and "requiring a mask violates his rights." Both reasons are wrong and unacceptable. The masking requirement is not up for discussion and is not optional. It applies to all who enter the building.  The purpose is to protect those that are in the building working or visiting.

As I have said many times before, the municipal services we provide are far different from those provided at retail establishments (i.e., restaurants, stores, etc.).  If a retail establishment must close down because its employees become sick or must quarantine, you can take your business, most likely right down the street, to another similar establishment.  If our staff become ill or must quarantine, which requires the building to close, you cannot go down the street and obtain whatever service you were receiving from our municipal offices.  We provide the residents, property owners, and businesses with essential services that other offices do not duplicate.  As a result, we must take the reasonable and necessary precaution to have masks worn (and temperatures taken) to keep us open and operating.     

Please, please be respectful of others and of the municipal staff that provides services to our community. Even if you don't think masks work or the requirement is stupid and violates your rights......Just know that we will continue to follow the established science that proves masks do limit the virus from spreading, and we all want to keep our work environment safe and healthy for ourselves, family, and friends (that we return home to).  While you are at it, show the same respect and concern for the private businesses that require masks to be worn.  They are doing it to protect their employees and customers---to keep their stores open so their employees can work and earn a living and pay their bills.  You know, the ol' pursuit of the American dream thing!  

Wearing a mask for the brief period you are in a building should not and is not too much to ask.  No one wants to wear a mask, but sometimes in life, there are challenges that we all must face together....for the good of everyone. We are in the midst of a public health crisis, not a political dispute.

Stay Positive, test Negative!

Peace and love... Peace and love....